Monday, December 20, 2010

Stories from the Nanny State: The Return of the lokos

If you haven't heard or don't remember, Four Lokos was banned in a number of states because of an alcohol-related fiasco at Central Washington University (Four Loko Ban). Last week in a press release, the makers of Four Lokos announced they have a new recipe approved by the government and will be selling the beverage in stores next year.

From the press release issued by Phusion Project, the makers of Four Lokos:

"Our reformulated products (without caffeine, guarana and taurine) were approved by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, and we've received similar approvals from nearly all of the states in which we do business. We've begun shipping into the states in which we've received approvals for reformulated Four Loko."-(Phusion Projects)

So before you know it, we will have the sweet nectar of Four Lokos back in our lives—caffeine-free this time.. (Lets just hope people don't realize that you can simply buy a Red Bull and combine it with Four Lokos to get almost the exact same product as before.) The state ban on Four Lokos—like a number of actions by the government lately—really amounts to nothing more than political posturing.  As soon as word got out about the ban, the sale of the product skyrocketed. A number of stores couldn’t keep the product on the shelves. In college towns, stores would only sell Four Lokos in packs of 24 or more.

The ban became an amazing marketing ploy for Four Lokos. Not only did sales increase dramatically, but the brand name is now forever enshrined in the hearts and minds of college students and alcoholics alike everywhere.
Four Loko's ONE - Nanny State - ZERO  

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Cost of Success: Tuition Increases

Currently the Student Freedom Project is undergoing an in depth research and report of where your tuition money and students fee's are spent.  As our governor said after the last election she has no idea how to fix the budget problem we have in our state. One place the law makers normally turn is higher education. The goal of the report is to give students a clear view of where their money is going and what their money really gets them in higher education.

"Desperation in the mother of all invention" and with our economy in the shape it is, it will fall upon our generation to find some of the solutions. We are focusing on the UW and WSU in our research to see what our biggest institutions are doing with the tax payers money and the students. Look for more up to date information on the research on our new higher education tab. If we want to lower our tuition costs it will follow upon the students, to find a creative solution to our states problem. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Nanny State: Healthcare "Reform"

Today a federal judge in Virgina ruled that the government can not tax inaction. The offical text from the judges decision follows.
"While this case raises a host of complex constitutional issues, all seem to distill to the single question of whether or not Congress has the power to regulate and tax a citizen's decision not to participate in interstate commerce. Neither the U.S. Supreme Court nor any circuit court of appeals has squarely addressed this issue. No reported case from any federal appellate court has extended the Commerce Clause or Tax Clause to include the regulation of a person's decision not to purchase a product, notwithstanding its effect on interstate commerce."- (Source)   
The next step on the legal challenge of the health care reform bill will go before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals or go straight to the Supreme Court. Currently there are 20 states sighed on to the bill, Washington State being one of those states. The individual mandate of the bill has been one of the most controversial sections of the bill. The individual mandate forces you to buy health care or get a massive fine
The big controversy is whether the government should be allowed to regulate inaction, or simply put forcing to you act, or in this case buy something. The lawyers in support for the mandate state that this ability is justified under the interstate commerce clause, but then again so is everything under the sun... This key issue being debated is should the government be aloud to force people to purchase a good? If so they could force us to buy G.M.C. cars, or even force us to buy less or more of good. This situation is what many people call a slippy slope as in; once something like this becomes law it makes a foot hold for more radical reform. For once the federal government acquires a power it rarely (actually...never) gives it up.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Smartest Generation

According to a recent study our generation is the most "educated" generation in American history. We have the highest amount of college graduates and high school graduates compared to all other times in our history. With all the brains and knowledge our generation has complied will we be able to discover the path to saving our nation for economic recession, and bridging the political gap? So far we are not off to a good start. with only one in four voting and even less actually involved in the political process.  Along with the being the "smartest generation" we are also the most unemployed and most in debit generation. 

There is nothing more explosive (politically and socially) then highly educated people without work. Throughout history all great discoveries and inventions good or bad come out of desperate times. The historic revolutions of our world, culturally or military  have been are championed by those who are educated and unemployed, and our nation is full of both. As our current system shows the doors of colleges are opening up a lot fast then that of the working world. It will be interesting to see what our generation creates for itself. In time what will our revolution be for?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Way or The High Way: New Tax Package

As the new tax package moves foreword from the house to the senate, it has oddly been met with great hostility. Some of the Democratic leadership feels that a collaborated bill facilitated by the president is to "right wing" for them. Politically speaking the Democratic are trying to stop this bill to show there "true conviction" to taxing the rich, even if the bill would benefit the majority in the Americans.

"Rank-and-file Democrats passed a nonbinding resolution by voice vote that said the tax package should not come to the House floor for  consideration." (Washington Post)

I seems within politics today compromise is a dirty word, which is never a good sign. The President is getting on board to try to find the middle ground to help move our nation out of a recession. I hope that the political parties can get on board. If not its going to be a long lame duck session in congress. In a political climate like this who ever wins we lose.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Nanny State: The Art of Unemployment

Obama lately helped moderate a tax cut/spending deal between Republicans and Democrat. The package included tax cuts for the rich and the middle income and extended unemployment benefits an additional 13months. Obama has been getting a lot of flack from the left for the tax cuts. The right however have been viewing this deal as a win.

One question i would like to be address is why are we allowing people to be on unemployment benefits longer then lets say a month or two? Before the additional 13 months you could be on unemployment for 99 week. So you could be on unemployment for 46 months before you have to get a job...that's a little extensive i would think. It is sad to think you could on unemployment longer then you have been employed. Programs like as good in the short fun, they help with people that were injured at work, or help others in the time between jobs. But having the benefits last this long create a leave dependency on the system and in fact motivates people to stay on the system.

In Washington State you have to work at least 20hour as week on average to qualify for unemployment, if you work to many hours however you lose your benefits. So why try to get a better job or work harder?  I know people that have worked at stores like Fred Meyer or Target and have told me some of there co-workers talk about this very topic. Then don't want to work more shifts because they could lose there unemployment....sound like the system needs work. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Diet Christmas

With Christmas around the corner sales are everywhere and stores are trying everything they can to get you to take advantage of the holiday deals. With the economy the way it is and with the government already cutting back on services, how will this effect the shopping season and more so the economy for the year to come? With the holidays making your wallet lighter and you belts tighter people have been saving more then spending this holiday season. With people worried about the future the number of gifts under the tree are diminishing. Being a college student and knowing that another student tuition hike is coming next year, I'm cutting back on the holidays and definitely spending less.

On the national level the federal government voted against extending unemployment benefits and voted for extending the tax cuts. So those with unemployment will also be looking to cut back on there spending this season. For there will not be government money coming there way anytime soon. Laws were passed in regard to debit and toxic loans so people will not be as able to pay for Christmas on credit as easily this year.

This Christmas season will allude to our economy in the years to come. Will people being forced to live with in their means start developing a more sustainable life style? Will the government be able to cut back on government programs and other stimulus programs?  One thing is for sure there will be some sweet sales closer to Christmas.