Monday, December 20, 2010

Stories from the Nanny State: The Return of the lokos

If you haven't heard or don't remember, Four Lokos was banned in a number of states because of an alcohol-related fiasco at Central Washington University (Four Loko Ban). Last week in a press release, the makers of Four Lokos announced they have a new recipe approved by the government and will be selling the beverage in stores next year.

From the press release issued by Phusion Project, the makers of Four Lokos:

"Our reformulated products (without caffeine, guarana and taurine) were approved by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, and we've received similar approvals from nearly all of the states in which we do business. We've begun shipping into the states in which we've received approvals for reformulated Four Loko."-(Phusion Projects)

So before you know it, we will have the sweet nectar of Four Lokos back in our lives—caffeine-free this time.. (Lets just hope people don't realize that you can simply buy a Red Bull and combine it with Four Lokos to get almost the exact same product as before.) The state ban on Four Lokos—like a number of actions by the government lately—really amounts to nothing more than political posturing.  As soon as word got out about the ban, the sale of the product skyrocketed. A number of stores couldn’t keep the product on the shelves. In college towns, stores would only sell Four Lokos in packs of 24 or more.

The ban became an amazing marketing ploy for Four Lokos. Not only did sales increase dramatically, but the brand name is now forever enshrined in the hearts and minds of college students and alcoholics alike everywhere.
Four Loko's ONE - Nanny State - ZERO  

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