Thursday, January 27, 2011

State of the Union

 For those that have seen it here are the links: State of the Union

The future was the focus, of Obama's State of the Union address. Can we better our schools? Can we fight to preserver the future of our nation? Obama compared our national issues and national mood to that of the cold war when the Russian sent Sputnik into space. Obama called us to action, to reform and to press forward on innovation and creation, what he said are the American ideals, and building block of our great nation. But can we accomplish these goals? With the method currently in place i say no.

GOP's response: Rep. Paul Ryan 

The president asked us to champion innovation, but yet he can't hand failure. If we are in a race to create the jobs of tomorrow, we are going to have more failures then successes. As we have already seen the federal government will not let up on the regulation and taxation that stifles innovation and growth. So will the Bill Gates's of tomorrow be able to risk it all in pursuit of their dream? The odds are no.

The federal government and state governments has demonstrated a fear towards things in which they do not control. They believe that they have to create jobs and stimulate the economy but the truth is they can not. The government can not create jobs any better then a teacher can do their students homework. If the Obama administration really wants to spark the grown and innovation of American entrepreneurship all they have to do is step aside and let those with the dream be free to risk and created the jobs of tomorrow.

The national deficit can only be address if spending and entitlements are addressed. I only hope that with the federal government divided as it, that the grow of entitlements and wasteful spending are addressed. but then again I'm a realist and the only "innovation and job creation" i see coming our way from the federal government is more regulatory organizations, and staffers to running them.

For additional commentary on the address follow the link to the right: Rep. Eric Cantor  

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