House Bill 1715 could change Washington State forever. As the bill states; "The official designation is a desirable promotional tool that Washington businesses can use when sharing their product with customers through the world." (HB1715) What is the bill about, you ask? Only the most important cultural characteristic of Washington State. The amazing taste of coffee.
This bill designates coffee as our state drink, but the tough question is what kind? Is Washington State a black coffee state or a mocha latte or perhaps we are a chi tea type of state. The kind of coffee is very telling about a person and more so a state. What image do we as a state want to portray to the rest of the country?
Without your input key issues like this will be decided. Write or call your legislature today to get in the fight and stand up for your favorite morning pick me up. We can't fix health care or higher education reform this session but we can forever decide the fate of our state drink and the flavor of our future.
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