Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's Not You It's Me: Obamas Political Revelations

With the new elected officials settling into their new positions in congress, the media and political circles are waiting to see what the dynamic of federal government will be for the next two years. With their be bipartisanship? Will the Republicans and the Democrats work together for the betterment of American?

With drastic loses in congress Obama has been trying to draw attention away from the democratic failures and instead focus the blame on himself. The goal of this approach would seem to be an attempt my the President to glaze over the losses and thus more foreword with his agenda. If he can get the general public not to focus on why they lost, but on were his party is planing on going they might be able to regain the momentum they had before this election.

So far this is working with the Democrats but not Republicans. Lately at a number of the press conferences, the president has been attacking the republicans for there inability to "compromise" and has been losing any support from the right. Obama has attempted to make some friends by "trying" to put a end to earmarks, which the Republicans are avidly against. But will Obama be able to win some of the republicans over? So far its not looking good. Look at bills like the START arms treaty with Russia, Obama is having trouble building steam and forging allies on the right. (To learn more about the START arms treaty go to: Washington Post)

The question arises will Obama be able to regain the trust of congress and of the people. Will he be able to moderate the tough choices that will soon come to congress? Or will it be same story as usual.

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