Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We Cant all be Winners : Election recap

With a six pack siting next to me and a bowl of chips in hand, yesterday's election felt more like the Superbowl then an election. My family and I had out our laptops while watching the news, eagerly awaiting the results of this years elections. Whenever our candidate pulled ahead a cheer would erupt. When they fell behind another swig if my Samuel Adams Winter Ale was sure to follow. By the end of the night, most of the result were in, and just like on the Superbowl the post game began. For those that haven't heard the results here is what happened.

Income tax failed  (1-1098)

Initiative 1100 concerns liquor (beer, wine and spirits) 
is 2 points behind so it could change

Imitative1105 failed ( The Costco version for the beer, wine and spirits) 

2010 US election resultsDemocrat|Republican
US House185 seats
239 seats
US Senate51 seats*
46 seats
WA US Senate(62% reporting)50% Murray

50% Rossi

For more information go to Washington State Election Result Page 

The final results for some of the measures are still coming in and with Dinno and Murry most likely going to a recount. Nationally the Republicans retook the house, but not the senate. Overall there is a pretty balance spread of Republicans and Democrats nationally. Which will either bring about a fair and balance government (not likely) or a deeply divided government (realistic outcome).

When the night came to an end, the result gave me comfort that the our nation is headed in a better direction. It wasn't the radical change i had hoped for but it was progress. I cant wait for overtime! Lets get ready for a Washington State favorite past time, the recount....    

Check my blog later today for a more in depth look at were our nation is going

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